I am sure we have all been in this situation. You drive/walk up to a cache location and it is hidden in a very public place with muggles all around, all the time. What do you do? The cache owner is obviously aware of the location and was comfortable placing it there but are you comfortable finding it? You do have a few options, try to use stealth to find it, just walk right up all confident like you belong there and not look suspicious, not care who sees you or if it gets muggled after you leave or decide that it isn’t worth the trouble or attention and walk away.
Here is my take. The owner placed it there with two ideas, one is to see if you are sneaky enough to get in and out undetected or they are not concerned at all and didn’t put any thought in the placement or your difficulty getting it unseen. Usually you can get some idea from the listing, did they explain the area and why they put it there. Is the correct difficulty level selected? Is the listing poorly worded and the hider took almost no pride in it?
I have used at least 3 different methods depending on the cache. If it is in a well known busy area and the owner is proud of getting it in there and asks me to be careful, I will. If it is in a place where I can fake like I belong by getting out my phone, camera, GPS then I will do that. If the cache looks like the owner just wanted to fit one in with no regard for private property (there are some in Riverview placed on signs 10 feet in on someones lawn for example) or if I will be seen then I walk up, get it and leave not concerned about who sees me or I ignore it and move on.
What are you thoughts on caches in busy public places or private property?